Monday, April 4, 2011

Scope for Moving Forward

In my research I have learned so many disgusting and deceptive facts about the food industry that I wish I could tackle the whole thing. I feel that all unnatural additives, from Yellow #5 to gluten to MSG, are incredibly unhealthy and the public needs to know. However, a topic this broad would probably require more than one semester's worth of work, unless I can figure out a simpler focus.

That said, I need to figure out what sort of materials to produce to convey the information that I've learned. Over 70% of my survey respondents said that they would prefer perusing a Web site rather than printed materials. There are a few problems with creating a Web site though:

1. How would I let Eden Medical Center's patients know about it? I would also have to create a printed handout for Eden volunteers to hand out at outreach events to lead people to the Web site. Would I have enough time to design all of this?
2. A Web site would require a lot more information than a booklet or poster. Would I have enough time to write all that copy? Would I be able to keep the Web site updated?
3. And finally, I have far less experience in Web design than I do in print. I would be more likely to run into technical problems with this route.

Right now I feel like I'm closing in on a solution, but it's not quite clear yet.

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